Our Partners kind support and sponsoraship of the event ensures we can maximise the amount of money we can give to our awesome charities and causes..
We have partners who help us in a wide range of ways including hardware companies who offer us materials, companies who help with money towards the running costs or even breweries who donate some beer or cider.
Sponsoring us at Winterfest will put your company in front of all our visitors. The help from our partners enables us to reduce our running costs which means we raise more money for our charities and can keep the prices for our visitors at a reasonable level which opens the event up to more people
There are many ways you can help to support our work. All our partners are invited to the exclusive launch party, have their branding on all our printed advertising and feature on our website.
Below are some suggested sponsorship packages that we offer which you can purchase direct from our website. A member of our team will contact you within 3 days to thank you and discuss things with you. However there are other ways you could help us. For example we are also looking for breweries to donate a barrel or hardware companies to donate materials.
If you would like to discuss partnering with us please use the form on our contact page and we will get in touch with you.